
I want to get certified or land a job in Information Technology.


I want to train my employees with a focus on professional development, upskilling, and the future of technology.

Start Learning

Cloud Computing

Learn to store, manage, process, and share data hosted online using a network of remote servers.


Knowing how to protect a company or government agency’s systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks is a critical skill in the modern workforce.

Data Science

Data is wasted potential without someone to analyze it. Learn how to be that person, and help businesses connect the dots between information and action.

Desktop Support

Be the first person they call - learn now to troubleshoot and fix the software issues users experience on computers, networks, phones, and printers.

Front-End Web Devlopment

Coding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is what makes a website or app functional and interactive for users. Learn to produce a graphical user interface to bring the product or information to the people.

Project Management

Learn to merge your technical skills with the discipline of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to accomplish project goals.

Choose Your Future

Our Employment and Entrepreneurship Assistance Services (EEAS) program is designed help you achieve
your career goals, no matter which pathway you choose, starting from Day 1 of your training.
I’m interested in traditional employment,
working for a company or government agency.

Virtually all modern employers rely on Information Technology for critical aspects of their business, regardless of the industry they are in. We can help you navigate a transition into the IT field from where you are now; or help you advance your IT career with new skills.

I want to work for myself.

The Information Technology field offers a variety of ways to be your own boss. You can pursue entrepreneurship either full-time or part-time, and on virtually any scale. Whether that means working independently on occasional projects, or running your own business, we can help you get started on whichever path you choose.

Fund Your Training

You may qualify for grant funding or education benefits to cover the cost of your training.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Grants available for dislocated workers and unemployed, underemployed, or lo-income individuals who have a High School Diploma or equivalent.

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)

Funding available to some workers who have lost their jobs or had their hours or wages drastically reduced due to increased imports or a shift in production outside the United States.

Explore Deferred Tuition

Start with a small down payment and delay the rest of your tuition until 2 months after program completion.


Full tuition and fees covered for those who qualify. You even get paid for achieving program milestones, such as completion of training, certification attainment, and job placement.

Financing and Payment Plans

Options are available for simple, low monthly cost payment plans to make self-funding more manageable.

Employer Reimbursement

Tuition assistance benefits may be available through your employer, depending on their objectives for recuiting, retention, and productivity.

The Future of Tech

Why should you get certified?
Technological advances in the workplace have increased exponentially in recent years, and continue to fuel workers' anxiety over being replaced by machines. Meanwhile, employers express growing concerns about the technology skills gap, and the challenge of finding and recruiting workers with the skills and knowledge required to keep up with these changes. While it is true that by 2025, more than half of all workplace tasks could be automated, research suggests that twice as many new jobs are likely to be created than were lost in that transition. Training and continuous upskilling are critical to remaining competitive if job seekers want to be the ones to fill these new positions.

World Economic Forum, Davos 2020: The Future of Work; Robert Half, The State of U.S. Tech Hiring (Dec 2019) Headlight, The State of Tech Hiring 2017

Most Likely Reasons Candidates Do Not Get a Job Offer.

The State of Tech Hiring 2017

"According to both hiring managers and tech workers, not passing the technical bar Is the #1 reason for why candidates don't get a job offer." - Headlight, State of Tech Hiring 2017

Snapshot of Outcomes

Ok, we understand there’s a skills gap, but can Cybersecurity Institute at Lab Four Professional Development Center really help?
74%of program completers in the last 5 years are now working in a training-related position
Our holistic approach of combining instructor led, project-driven technical training, with proactive, hands-on employment and entrepreneurship assistance does more than just look good on paper. It works!

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